Brooklyn-based Magrudergrind have signed with Relapse Records and are in the studio at work on their label debut.
The band has previously released two full-lengths alongside several EPs and splits since forming in 2002.
Brooklyn-based Magrudergrind have signed with Relapse Records and are in the studio at work on their label debut.
The band has previously released two full-lengths alongside several EPs and splits since forming in 2002.
Fucking finally. It’s been six long years since we’ve heard from the Brooklyn via D.C. grind-brigade. This month marks the release of II, the only Magrudergrind record since 2010’s Crusher EP and a welcome relief to those only moderately pacified by Avi Kulawy’s (vocals) doom project, Ruine. II presents some major changes from Magrudergrind without exhibiting a substantial departure from … Read more
Primitive Man is one of the filthiest, meanest sounding bands active in North America. Metal usually strives for an extreme aesthetic, but few succeed with the same clarity as drummer Joe Linden, bassist Jonathan Campos, and guitarist/vocalist Ethan Lee McCarthy. On their latest record Immersion, the trio has forced forth … Read more
Dan (True Widow) SPB: Are genre labels important to assign to music? Dan: I don't think genre labels are important. I do think they are helpful. When I get asked what kind of music we play I always say rock music. Not very helpful. Then I start saying things like … Read more
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