Boston's Somos has joined the Tiny Engines roster with plans for a new record in early 2014. The band is entering the studio this month with Jesse Cannon and Mike Oettinger to record. They released a demo in 2012.
Boston's Somos has joined the Tiny Engines roster with plans for a new record in early 2014. The band is entering the studio this month with Jesse Cannon and Mike Oettinger to record. They released a demo in 2012.
Loren Shumaker-Chupp (Signals Midwest, bass) SPB: What do your parents think of your music? Loren Shumaker-Chupp: My parents have always appreciated that I play music and what I get out of it. It was something that they encouraged me to learn when I was younger and supported throughout grade school … Read more
Phil (Somos) SPB: What is the worst job you’ve ever had? Somos: This is tough because I have had a lot of shitty jobs. But first would have to be babysitting rich kids. I was 18 and had just moved to San Francisco from Massachusetts. I was desperate for money … Read more
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