Austin, TX label Haute Magie has announced their "death and rebirth," which sees the label returning the the CDR format in which they started. The first such release will be Disnae Matter from Human Skins.
Scene Point Blank could recap the press release, but the label puts it best:
After many transmutations and deaths / rebirths we are, to put it very simply, taking a step back and a breath very deep. Reverting, but not regressing. We are returning to the days of limited runs and
handmade packaging, taking extra care to brand each and every copy of a release with its own distinct persona, making it more an original than a copy in the end. Special editions, new formats, and archaic ways. Mail communication, lack of online streaming, and the eschewal of social networking in favour of direct e-mail newsletters and website updates.
The label first formed in 2010.