Paper + Plastick Records has announced the signing of The Riot Before. The band will be entering the studio this Winter to record their follow-up to last years Fists Buried in Pockets. The band had this to say of the new label and record:
About the new record: The current plan is to call it Rebellion, and we're all very excited to have the good folks at Paper + Plastick putting it out. Hopefully we'll head into the studio in early December and get it recorded and pressed and ready to go by late winter/early spring (?). Other than know how at the beginning of a football game reporters always ask the coach what his plan for the team is and he always says something really vague and obvious like, "We're going to really focus on execution. Just driving the ball down the field on every play, avoiding turnovers, and capitalizing on red zone opportunities. Part of me hopes the reporter would just slap the coach and say super sarcastically, "No shit! So you're gonna try to outscore the other guys this time huh? Interesting." But at the same time, this kind of empty banter is unavoidable. The coach can't talk too much about specifics of a game that hasn't been played yet. Well a band talking about a yet to be recorded album is often the same thing. So rather than spout off a bunch of trite stuff about maturing and blah blah blah, I'll just say that on this record we're really going to focus on execution. Just driving the ball down the field on every play, avoiding turnovers, and capitalizing on red zone opportunities. Also, if you play the record backwards, it's going to give you a great burrito recipe.