If you live in the United States, please make sure you vote today.
If you live in the United States, please make sure you vote today.
It's Record Store Day today - celebrate by heading down to your local independent shop and checking out what they have going on. You can find a handy list of participating venues right here: http://www.recordstoreday.com/Venues Read more
Quite an unusual story has surfaced on a variety of online messageboard forums, including Deathtalk, Expresso Beans, and Gigposters, concerning a series of fake art prints sales - screenprints and giclees - by a number of highly respected artists: Aaron Horkey, Jacob Bannon, Shepard Fairey, Florian Bertmer, and Malleus, among … Read more
Re-printed courtesy of Alternative Tentacles dot com is former Dead Kennedys vocalist Jello Biafra's open letter to Barack Obama (with preface) detailing his ideas and advice for the new administration. The letter will be submitted via Change. gov, the Obama administration's transitional website. Read more My Friends (couldn't resist, I … Read more
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Mission Merch has teamed up with Last Lights and released a series of shirts honoring the life of Dominic Mallary. All proceeds from the shirt sales go to Dominic's family. You can purchase them here. Read more
Scene Point Blank wishes a happy Thanksgiving Day to all of our readers. Enjoy your day off from work and spend time with your friends/family. We'll be back with regular updates on Monday, including our coverage of THE FEST! Read more
Today is election day in the United States - perhaps you might have heard something about that. It's kind of a big deal, or so we've been told... Anyway, if you are a registered voter, please do yourself a favor and go out and vote today. And remember there are … Read more
Greetings on this fourth day of the month of July. If you live in America, you know that means two things: barbeque and fireworks. So go outside and fill your belly with ribs and burgers while you're blowing stuff up, but hopefully not your fingers because you'll need those to … Read more
This is probably the wackiest story I've heard so far this year, so I thought I would pass it along to our readers... Wheelhouse Pickles has launched a brand of hot sauce called, of all things, Minor Threat. The sauce is described as " a fruity, mildly hot, Caribbean-themed sauce … Read more
Scene Point Blank wishes a Happy Thanksgiving Day to all of our readers. Enjoy your day off from work and spend time with your friends/family. We'll be back with regular updates tomorrow. Read more
Lance Hahn of J Church is currently in the hospital as a result of complications of his dialysis last week. Hahn collapsed and was given CPR; he is currently comatose and in the ICU fighting off an infection. According to sources close to Hahn, doctors have stated that all they … Read more
Tomorrow on The Henry Rollins Show, Rollins hosts William Shatner, whose 2004 album Has Been he contributed to, while Peeping Tom will be performing. The show airs at 11:00 PM EST on Fridays on the Independent Film Channel. As a special treat, you can view Peeping Tom's performance of "We're … Read more
Today iTunes has made the giant leap to DRM-free music in the form of iTunes Plus. The switch to DRM-free music comes after Steve Jobs recently spoke out against digital copyright protection. According to the iTunes website: For just 30¢ more per song, choose iTunes Plus songs that feature higher … Read more
Social-music website Last.FM has been purchased by CBS for a price-tag of $280 million. The online website was founded only five years ago and currently has over 15 million active users logging their current music listens. Last.FM is the latest .com to get snatched up following News Corp's purchase of … Read more
Ronen Kauffman has announced a number of upcoming events in conjunction with release of his book New Brunswick, New Jersey, Goodbye - Bands, Dirty Basments, and the Search for Self, which hits shelves on July 10th. Among the events are a release show, a couple of signing/reading events, and a … Read more
Tonight on The Henry Rollins Show, Rollins hosts Steve Buscemi, while Billy Bragg will be performing. The show airs at 11:00 PM EST on the Independent Film Channel. Read more
This week on The Henry Rollins Show, Rollins will be joined by Joan Jett and musical guest The Blood Brothers, who will be performing their song "Set Fire to the Face on Fire." An interview with The Blood Brothers as well as the band peforming "Laser Life" can be viewed … Read more
The Henry Rollins Show will be returning to the Independent Film Channel for its second season. The new season kicks off on April 13th with a pre-show special, Henry Rollins: Uncut from Israel. The 90-minute special airs at 9:30pm ET and chronicles Rollins' recent trip to Tel Aviv, Israel where … Read more
I'm From Rolling Stone, the new reality show featuring a group of journalist vying for a position at Rolling Stone Magazine, will premiere this Sunday at 10:00 PM on MTV. You can watch the trailer here. Read more
Scene Point Blank would just like to acknowledge the new year and promise readers that there are a ton of awesome features both short and long term, all coming up in 2007. The first of these is our infamous Year End feature, including our top records of 2006, so watch … Read more
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