News / Breaking News
Finch versus Disturbed

Posted by Matt on August 1, 2004

In what looks like the third notable story involving bands beating up other bands, "nu-emo" starlets Finch apparantly got into a fight with members of the equally awful Disturbed. Prayers from the hardcore community that both bands finished one another off were sadly unanswered, but Finch had this to say: "To anyone who either witnessed or heard about today's incident at the Rolling Rock Town Fair. While we were setting up, one of the members of Disturbed, Dan Donegan, was harassing us from the side of the stage. Before we were to play, Randy (our guitarist) walked over to Dan to explain that the comments he made a few years ago were a joke, and to give him a friendly handshake. Dan proceeded to assault Randy and Disturbed's singer, David Draiman, attacked Mike Herrara (our drum tech) which caused a fight to ensue. We want everyone to know that Finch did not start this fight. However, we do not take kindly to being assaulted or having our lives threatened. We would like this little conflict to be resolved as soon as possible, but we will not give in to bullying bands threatening us or our fans." ScenePointBlank now awaits video footage of the beating to spread, so we can all add a little humor to our lives.

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