It's official, the Smashing Pumpkins are currently writing songs for their upcoming album, their first since 2000. No release date has yet been set, but the band plans to begin recording this summer.
It's official, the Smashing Pumpkins are currently writing songs for their upcoming album, their first since 2000. No release date has yet been set, but the band plans to begin recording this summer.
Nightmare of You's video for the song "The Days Go By Oh So Slow" has been posted online here. Read more
Like it or Not recently recorded eight new tracks and re-recorded their demo for their debut effort. The album will be released by 1917 Records in June/July in both 7" and CD formats. You can listen to songs off their demo here. Read more
Shook Ones will be entering the studio in July with Chris Common and Matt Bayles to record their debut effort for Revelation Records. A tentative release date of October 19th has been set. In other news the band will be embarking on their first European tour this Fall with Sinking … Read more
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Made Out of Babies will be entering Chicago's Electrical Audio studio with Steve Albini in May to record their new album for Neurot Recordings, Coward." The label expects to have the album in stores this Fall. Read more
Living Hell, featuring ex-members of Dead Wrong and Fear Tomorrow, will be re-releasing their 2006 demo in both 7" and CD form. A389 Records will be handling the vinyl version and Rock Vegas Records will take care of the CD release. The band also recorded a cover of "Lundgren/Crucifixion" for … Read more
Rancid provided an update about their plans for 2006 and beyond via Myspace. The band will be embarking on a worldwide tour in June, in conjunction with the release of a DVD that will contain 31 Rancid music videos covering the years 1993-2003. Finally, Rancid announed that they will in … Read more
Municipal Waste's video for their track "Unleash the Bastards" can be viewed online here. Read more
Terror provided an upate on their upcoming full-length and DVD releases. Always the Hard Way will be released on July 4th and features guest spots from Eddie Sutton of Leeway, Aaron the Knuckles from Death Threat, and Murs & Mr. Dibbs. Their DVD effort, 'The Living Proof, will be out … Read more
27 will be releasing a 7" later this Summer through Relapse Records. Read more
The Black Keys have amicably parted ways with Fat Possum Records. The band are currently shopping for labels (in the US only) to release their new full-length effort, which has a September 12th release date set. Read more
According to Billboard, Bright Eyes have been diligently working on compiling the 25-30 songs they have written down to the final 10-12 songs that will make up their next album. The yet-to-be-titled album is slated to be released in 2007 through Saddle Creek Records. Read more
Set Your Goals' video for the song "Goonies Never Say Die" can be viewed here. Read more
Mastodon is nearly complete with the recording of the new full-length, Blood Mountain, their first for Warner Bros. The album is set for a release in August and will feature guest spots from The Mars Volta frontman Cedric Bixler Zavala on the track "The Siberian Divide", as well as appearances … Read more
The final list of dates for Sunn0)))'s mini-tour, including dates with Boris, have been revealed. Enjoy the noise at these shows: 05/18 Boston, MA @Middle East 05/20 Victoriaville, Quebec @ FIMAV 05/22 Toronto, Ontario @ Music Gallery 05/23 Grand Rapids, IL @ Institute of Contemporary Arts w/ Boris 05/25 Minneapolis, … Read more
Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke recently spoke to NME about the new LP. Yorke described the album in this manner: It's about that anonymous fear thing, sitting in traffic, thinking, 'I'm sure I'm supposed to be doing something else'. Interestingly enough it's similar to 'OK Computer' in a way. It's much … Read more
The video for "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song," the first single off The Flaming Lips new album is now online here. At War with the Mystics lands in stores tomorrow on Warner Brothers Records. Read more
Lifetime guitarist/Paint it Black vocalist Dan Yemin made a lengthy response in regards to Lifetime's signing to Decaydance via the Paint it Blank Myspace. Here is what the man had to say: Hey everyone, this is Dan Y. and I sing and write the songs for Paint It Black. I … Read more
Playing Enemy and their label have chosen to abandon the original idea for their forthcoming Accessory EP, which was to be a two-CD effort containing new songs, covers, and a 75 minute track. An EP will still see a release through Hawthorne Street Records, but in something a bit more … Read more
Anti-Flag's video for their first single, "The Press Corpse," can be viewed here. Read more
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