It's not much to go by yet, but Sheena and Alex (Lemuria) have announced a new band called Tender Slit.
No music is online yet, but the band says it's coming soon.
In the meantime, they've shared an Instagram handle to watch for the news.
It's not much to go by yet, but Sheena and Alex (Lemuria) have announced a new band called Tender Slit.
No music is online yet, but the band says it's coming soon.
In the meantime, they've shared an Instagram handle to watch for the news.
Regardless of how terrible life can get, there is truth in the statement that things will Get Better. While most people are looking for success, happiness, and love to make them complete, it's the small things, the particulars, which make life so wonderful. Get Better is an album of the moments where the little things are absent, but it's hard … Read more
I have a bottomless love for Discount that no one I've ever met has matched. Together with Lifetime, they were the band that defined my high school years - I took up songs like "Disappointed" and "On the Counter" and made them my own; they were the soundtrack for my adolescent late nights. If I had been in a wistful … Read more
Alex (Lemuria) SPB: What do you think when fans run onstage and sing into the mic while you’re on stage? Alex: I think it's fun when people jump up on stage and sing along. It brings a great energy to the set for us. But with anybody who does this, … Read more
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