Comprised of members of Dead Cross, Qu, and more, Cunts have officially announced its debut record on Ipecac Recordings.
Based out of Los Angeles and featuring Michael Crain (Dead Cross/Retox) and Matt Cronk (Qui), the self-titled debut will release on Nov. 1.
Cronk speaks of the group's origins:
Everyone in the band has known each other for a long time, we are all friends. The band actually started as a joke on a group thread,” explains guitar player Crain. “We were reminiscing about early Cows, Jesus Lizard and Die Kreuzen performances and how organically dangerous and uncontrolled they were. That was our hugest source of inspiration for starting this band, to try and recreate that magic. A few of us have been in bands with each other before, so we already knew we had chemistry but as soon as we all got together to jam for the first time, we knew that this was going to be a fun project.
Listen to "A Hero's Welcome" here:
The full lineup is: drummer Kevin Avery (Retox/Planet B), guitar player Michael Crain (Dead Cross/Retox), singer Matt Cronk (Qui), bass player Keith Hendriksen (Virginia Reed), and guitar player Sterling Riley (Hepa.Titus).
Cronk recently participated in SPB's What's That Noise? series.
Cunts track listing:
Ass to Grind
Dying to Hit
A Hero’s Welcome
Cholos on Acid
Cholos on PCP
Goin’ Out West *
He’s A Lady
Supervised Visits
You Should See My Dad’s
Fail At Failure
Fuck You For Your Service
The Greater Good
* Tom Waits cover