News / Bands
1QI: Skittish, QUOR, Moñecho, Livstid

Posted by Cheryl on December 3, 2015

1QI: Skittish, QUOR, Moñecho, Livstid
1QI: Skittish, QUOR, Moñecho, Livstid
Welcome to our almost daily quickie Q&A feature: One Question Interviews. Follow us at facebook & twitter and we'll post an interview four days each week, typically every Monday-Thursday.
After our social media followers get the first word, we post a wrap-up here at the site and archive them here. This week check out Q&As with Skittish, QUOR, Moñecho and Livstid

Jeff Noller (Skittish)

SPB: How has the increasing digitalization of the music industry changed how you listen to music?

Jeff: I feel like I hear a lot less “deep cuts.” I used to be limited to only the CDs I brought with me on a trip, thus propelling me into the depths of an album rarely explored. Which led to a lot of songs that I ended up liking more than the main hits. It was also nice to rip open a package and lay on the floor perusing through the booklet artwork as the album plays. All of this gave me more of a connection to the artist. Now I've traded connection for convenience. Which, I suppose, can be applied to many things in this digital age. 

Brian Corn (QUOR)

SPB: Is there a regional food you look forward to on every tour?

Brian: The Pacific Northwest always has fantastic salmon. I particularly like the sashimi versions offered throughout the region. I have had amazing cuts of salmon in even the most unlikely of places up there between Portland and Vancouver, BC; everywhere from casino cafeterias to straight-up grocery store deli’s.

Matt (Moñecho)

SPB: What’s the best movie you’ve seen this year?

Matt: Coherence.  No other movie I've seen really communicates an almost paralyzing amount of uncertainty.

Øyvind (Livstid – guitar)

SPB: If you had your choice, which band would you love to tour with? 

Øyvind: A tour with Livstid and Icon of Evil would be a truly sick affair. They serve their slabs of death in the vein of Bolt Thrower. And if you got a grindcore band as well, Death Toll 80k for instance, then you'd have the perfect bill; ripping Norwegian d-beat punk in unholy union with crusty Polish death metal and Finnish grindcore devastation in the brutal style. What a fucking riot it'd be!

1QI: Skittish, QUOR, Moñecho, Livstid
1QI: Skittish, QUOR, Moñecho, Livstid

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