News / Bands
1QI: No Hands, What Tyrants, Terminal Sound System, Call of the Void

Posted by Cheryl on April 29, 2015

1QI: No Hands, What Tyrants, Terminal Sound System, Call of the Void
1QI: No Hands, What Tyrants, Terminal Sound System, Call of the Void
Welcome to our almost daily quickie Q&A feature: One Question Interviews. Follow us at facebook & twitter and we'll post an interview four days each week, typically every Monday-Thursday.
After our social media followers get the first word, we post a wrap-up here at the site and archive them here. This week check out Q&As with No Hands, What Tyrants, Terminal Sound System and Call of the Void.

No Hands

SPB: Who is the most underrated Canadian band? 

No Hands: Our consensus on the most underrated Canadian bands is:

Current: What Seas, What Shores

They do what they do better than any band that I can think of, but continue to fly under the radar.

Out of Commission: Barrier

Great band full of excellent musicians. They put out their EP Trailbreaker for free and split.

Sean Schultz (What Tyrants)

SPB: What venue is your favorite to play (and why)?

Sean: Our favorite venue to play would have to be the 7th Street Entry in Minneapolis, the smaller venue attached to the iconic First Avenue, The Entry is where the likes of The Replacements, Hüsker Dü, and countless others cut their teeth. It’s a local treasure and part of music history. The room is big enough to hold a sizable crowd, but always feels intimate. It also has maybe the best sound and staff around town. Plus, you have to play The Entry before you get the chance move up to First Avenue's main stage...

Skye (Terminal Sound System)

SPB: Your use of effects in Dust Songs reveals a quite out of the box thinking from your part. Can you describe the process of applying effects to your music? Does it happen as you are recording or in the mixing stage? Can you also give us some of your favorite effects? Can be software or hardware. 

Skye: The way I look at it, I don't so much apply effects to my music as work with effects, instruments, sounds and processes as an integral part of the composition/production/mixing/realisation process. I guess that's kind of a long-winded way of saying that rather than 1) recording a performance, then 2) effecting/treating and mixing it, with Dust Songs in particular all those steps are rolled into one. The treatment and performance are all part of the one process.

I've always been that way, starting with pushing my guitar and cheap drum machine through ridiculous chains of fx pedals, a long time ago, much to the annoyance of my friends.

I have a few favourite effects:

-My Roland RE-201 Space Echo has been with me for over half my life. I bought it (used, I'm not that old!) shortly out of high school. They were cheap and plentiful back then - it actually died a few weeks later and the shop swapped it for another they had lying about. 

-Sherman Filterbank - just a crazy, completely idiosyncratic device. Capable of so much more than its trademark facemelt. In the "box" - I built my own plugin to simulate screwed up analogue tape - that's all over the album (as well as real tape, cassettes in this case). Also, the Waves SSL channel strip was quite instrumental in shaping certain tones.

Patrick Alberts (Call of the Void)

SPB; What do you think of (the return of) cassettes?

Patrick: I find the return of cassettes to be awesome. There is nothing I enjoy more than owning a bands demo on cassette, when it’s not available in any other format. One of my favorite releases currently is Spectral Voice's Necrotic Doom on tape. The format still sounds great and their easier to store than records.

1QI: No Hands, What Tyrants, Terminal Sound System, Call of the Void
1QI: No Hands, What Tyrants, Terminal Sound System, Call of the Void

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