1990s showgazers Slowdive are reuniting for a series of festivals in 2014. The band, who broke up in 1995, have announced shows at Barcelona’s Primavera Sound Festival and one in London on May 19.
Source: AV Club
1990s showgazers Slowdive are reuniting for a series of festivals in 2014. The band, who broke up in 1995, have announced shows at Barcelona’s Primavera Sound Festival and one in London on May 19.
Source: AV Club
Why do bands or musical partners decide to reconvene to see if the magic can still be conjured? There a slew of bands that have reunited for various reasons (cash grabs, nostalgia trips, etc) over the last five to ten years that range from exciting to shaking one’s head as to why reunions take place, and then, every once in … Read more
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