Bouvet, featuring ex members of Death Is Not Glamorous, have released a few songs on bandcamp. The band was formed in the wake of Death Is Not Glamorous' hiatus and the songs were recorded by Kenneth of Knuste Ruter.
Bouvet, featuring ex members of Death Is Not Glamorous, have released a few songs on bandcamp. The band was formed in the wake of Death Is Not Glamorous' hiatus and the songs were recorded by Kenneth of Knuste Ruter.
I know very little about the country of Norway. Sure, I could hit up Google or Wikipedia and shoot off some facts about their leading exports or how many Olympic downhill skiers were born there, but it would be nothing more than useless information. All you need to know, my faithful readers, is that Death is Not Glamorous calls Oslo, … Read more
Death is Not Glamorous comes at you from the swamps of...Oslo, Norway? Yes, that's right, Norway. The country most well-known for producing myriad Black Metal bands has given us one of the best up and coming melodic hardcore/punk bands currently going. Having released this demo in late 2005, the band has since gained quite a following here in the United … Read more
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