1980s Bl'ast! have announced their first shows in 15 years, in California, following the remastered recording and release of their album Blood. The liv eline-up will feature original vocalist Clifford Dinsmore (Dusted Angel, Gargantula) and guitarst Mike Neider, complemented with the recruited Nick Oliveri (Kyuss, Queens of the Stone Age, Mondo Generator) on bass and Hoss Wright (Exies, Mondo Generator) on drums.
BL'AST! Live Actions:
12/28/2013 The Observatory Orange County - Santa Ana, CA w/ Neurosis, YOB, Helen Money
12/29/2013 The Regency Ballroom - San Francisco, CA w/ Neurosis, YOB, The Body
1/18/2014 The Vex - Los Angeles, CA