Sun and Sail Club have set a date for their upcoming debut. The band features Bob Balch (Fu Manchu), Scott Thomas Reeder (Kyuss/The Obsessed), and Scott Reeder (Fu Manchu) and the new album, titled Mannequin, is set for Nov. 19.
Here's a preview:
Sun and Sail Club have set a date for their upcoming debut. The band features Bob Balch (Fu Manchu), Scott Thomas Reeder (Kyuss/The Obsessed), and Scott Reeder (Fu Manchu) and the new album, titled Mannequin, is set for Nov. 19.
Here's a preview:
If you are reading this, you are wasting time. Buy Fu Manchu's We Must Obey and buy it now. The album's already a few months old, yet without a review on Scene Point Blank. Injustice I say, injustice! Fu Manchu's tenth album orders you to buy it, to cherish it, to love it. And well... We must obey! For the … Read more
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