Play Date, the children's group comprised of Greg Attonito (Bouncing Souls) and Shanti Wintergate, will be appearing on Austin City Limits from Oct. 4-Oct. 12. In addition to the Austin shows, the husband-wife duo will be playing a few other cities as well.
Bouncing Souls released Comet last year.
Play Date Live!
Friday October 4th, 1:30pm (Austin City Limits / Austin Kiddie Limits Stage)
Sunday October 6th, 2:30pm (Austin City Limits / Austin Kiddie Limits Stage)
Friday October 11th, 1:30pm (Austin City Limits / Austin Kiddie Limits Stage)
Sunday October 13th, 1:30pm (Austin City Limits / Austin Kiddie Limits Stage)
Saturday October 19th Alpine Playhouse McCall, ID
Sunday October 20th The Crux Boise, ID
Friday November 15th Shamrock Tattoo Party Spokane, WA
Saturday November 16th TBA Seattle, WA
Sunday November 17th The Treehouse Portland, OR
+ More Dates Coming Soon!