A new supergroup featuring Jason Hill (Louis XIV), Dominic Howard (Muse), Mark Stoermer (The Killers), Nick Fyffe (Jamiroquai), Dave Elitch (Mars Volta), Jeff Kite (Beat Club, Julian Casablancas), Alex Carapetis, and the legendary David Johanssen (New York Dolls) has formed, dubbing themsevles Vicy Cryer. The band will be releasing a record, The Synthetic Love of Emotional Engineering on April 16.
The Synthetic Love Of Emotional Engineering Tracklist:
1. Smut
2. Girls
3. Krokodil Tears
4. Touch You
5. The Synthetic Love of Emotional Engineering
6. Expensive Love
7. Lady and the Tramp
8. Young Love
9. I'll Take the Pain
10. A Single Cut (Is Worth A Thousand Words)