Tokyo, Japan's doom band Coffins have entered the studio for their upcoming new LP The Fleshland on Relapse Records. The album with be the group's fourth full-length and first since Buried Death, released on 20 Buck Spin in 2008.
Tokyo, Japan's doom band Coffins have entered the studio for their upcoming new LP The Fleshland on Relapse Records. The album with be the group's fourth full-length and first since Buried Death, released on 20 Buck Spin in 2008.
Since the release of their debut album, Mortuary in Darkness which came out in 2005, Coffins started building a cult aura around them. This was further developed with the release of their next two full-length albums, The Other Side of Blasphemy (2006) and Buried Death (2008), while on the same time their split releases, with great acts such as Otesanek, … Read more
Hailing from Japan, Coffins play a vicious style of doom that relentlessly pummels listeners while at the same time is raw and unhinged. Buried Death is the three-piece group's third full-length (all released since 2005 after a long career without an album and an eventual reformation in 2003). In any case, there is a significant amount of hype flying around … Read more
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