News / Bands
No Turning Back Inks With Think Fast!

Posted by Jon E. on December 27, 2010

No Turning Back Inks With Think Fast!
No Turning Back Inks With Think Fast!

Official press release:

Think Fast! Records is extremely proud to announce the signing of European's reigning hardcore kings, No Turning Back. The band just wrapped up recording their new full-length effort, "Take Control" which will see a release on American soil on April 19th.

"I've known Martijn (vocals) for many years and have always admired his inability to slow down," comments Think Fast! co-owner Ryan O'Connor. "He doesn't seem to let anything or anyone keep his band from moving on and you have to respect that. We're very much looking forward to working with Martijn and the rest of the guys for the U.S. release of their new album."

Having previously released a slew of noteworthy material, including two albums under the belt of Bridge 9, No Turning Back is no stranger to the american hardcore/punk scene. The band has also logged countless miles of tour history, including support for modern contemporaries and legends alike - Sick Of It All, Hatebreed, Ignite, Gorilla Biscuits, Terror, and Bad Brains to name a few. Territory has never been hard to cover either. Last year alone, No Turning Back became one of the first ever European hardcore bands to hit exotic locations like China, Costa Rica, New Zealand and even South Africa.

Describing the album and meaning behind the title, vocalist Martijn Van Den Heuvel notes: "The record really is about us taking control not only as a band but also as individuals. This last year we had band members starting a van rental company for bands, a booking agency and even a workshop for custom built drum kits. The music and the lifestyle have become absorbed in our day to day lives. We feel Take Control is us documenting growing up and becoming adults while still remaining true to the ideals we had as 15 year old kids playing rudimentary music in our parents' garage."

With the release of "Take Control" on limited LP and digital formats, look for the non-stop work ethic to continue to be a driving force behind No Turning Back. Stay tuned for tour updates and more details on the release. Also, as a side note, this marks the first release of a European band on Think Fast! Records. United Worldwide.

No Turning Back Inks With Think Fast!
No Turning Back Inks With Think Fast!

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