News / Bands
Cave In's Next Effort?

Posted by Michael on November 4, 2004

Cave In recently posted the following update on their website concerning the status of their next album: We've been asked numerous times about when the next Cave In album will be released. As great as it is that a good amount of people seem to take an interest in this, we don't presently have the ability to say when it will actually happen. We can tell you this: out of the ten or so tunes we've written since "Antenna", we're still excited about maybe half of them at this point. And since some members of the band now live in different parts of the country, the writing process as we have known it for the past 2 or 3 years is going to change. We don't plan on regrouping together to work on new material until 2005, and as of this writing, there is not even an estimated time frame as to when we'll enter back into a studio to actually record.

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