With the release of their third album, Further Seems Forever presents us with...you guessed it, another lead singer. The evolution goes as follows: Chris Carraba, Jason Gleason, and now John Bunch (formerly of Sense Field). Overall, this is a pretty impressive roster but unfortunately for fans, it's difficult to remain faithful to the band when each album has a completely … Read more
Is every member of mewithoutYou of the Christian faith? Beats me. I know that the lyrics portray the group as a Christian band, but said term manifests nothing of the actual music. So what does Christian music sound like? Jesus harmoniously praying to his Father? Dead Poetic? Christmas carols? Fuck, man. I don't know. mewithoutYou's music has always attracted me … Read more
The title for Philadelphia act mewithoutYou's fourth album comes from Parable 518 of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen's The Golden Words of a Sufi Sheikh where he writes, "It's all false, It's all a dream, It's all crazy, It's all over, It's all right, Let's see what's next." Perhaps better than any others, these words mirror the band's evolution from their screamish [A->B] … Read more
Ideological stances are polarizing. They come with a set of existing concepts and reference points that are often hard to overlook. I didn't want to talk about religion in this review. I didn't want to talk about religion as much as Project 86 doesn't want to limit themselves as a solely religious band, but it's difficult to ignore a prevailing … Read more
Denison Witmer-say the name with me- Den-i-son Wit-mer. We are doing this exercise for two reasons, because a) his name is kinda hard to pronounce and b) I don't want you to forget it. Now I suppose you want to know who this guy is and what does he have to do with The River Bends? Well, please allow me … Read more
It's pretty commendable that a band like Underoath, who easily could be on a major label right now after their extremely successful breakout album They're Only Chasing Safety, chose to stay with their original label Tooth and Nail. Even more impressive however is that their latest outing, Define the Great Line, is significantly more mature in their songwriting style and … Read more
Within the world of science there exist certain absolutes that are ever-present and unchanging. While most of these laws are complex to the nth degree, even even the most common simpleton can understand a few of them. For example, the majority of the population knows that no matter how hard you try, oil and water will never mix. Similarly, with … Read more
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