Wounded Soldier might be a concept album of sorts since its lyrical compositions are full of themes dealing with the experiences of the brother of Broadcast Sea's vocalist and guitarist, Sterling Wilson, while he serves time as a soldier in Iraq. So right off the bat, Broadcast Sea might present one heavy album. Even though the band is not generally … Read more
We are a generation that grew up with Mario, The Power Pad and the o so godly Nintendo Entertainment System as companions. It was just a matter of time until this part of our lives would be digitally inserted into our music. And although bands like The Advantage and The Minibosses pay homage by doing straight up covers of video … Read more
The Jonbenét Ramsey murder case has weaved its way in and out of our news chomping lives since the latter part of 1998. This was the time when the world was flummoxed and enraptured by the eight-year-old beauty queen's slaying. Lately the case has returned from the abyss again to haunt us with dolled up pictures of a little girl's … Read more
To be honest, I really didn't want to do a review for this CD. I got it the mail, looked at it, and immediately knew two things: This band has a stupid name, and I will probably not like them. Plus, there are other things I could be doing. Camel is coming out with four new brands of cigarettes that … Read more
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