One of the most memorable experiences of my time in Chico was seeing Engine Down live. Their music isn't what you'd call "traditionally" heavy - no blast beats or smoldering guitar assaults to be found here - but that isn't to say Engine Down didn't rock hard live. I saw them after Demure came out, which contained some of their … Read more
I can always tell how much I will spin an album following its first listen. That feeling I had after listening to Hearts of Oak was immeasurable. "The Ballad of the Sin-Eaters" is a song that will instantly make you shake your ass and shout the words even though you don't know them yet because you're listening to it the … Read more
Wanna have fun? Wanna dance? Want a record that can be, not only enjoyable to listen to, but the perfect record that can still be fun, even when you aren't paying much attention to it? Well this record is it. Ted Leo and the Pharmacists have followed up their 2001 full length, Tyranny of Distance with Hearts of Oak, a … Read more
[NOTE: Okay, I'll admit it. I'm way late. Hearts of Oak came out in February and now, half way into May, I'm finally sitting down to write this. Well, as they say, "better late than never," right?] So, all the hype is coming from New York City these days. There, you will find such indie rock favorites such as The … Read more
Ted Leo and his Pharmacists are sweeping the nation's rock and roll scene. People first began to take real notice of Mr. Leo with the release of his second LP, The Tyranny of Distance, however a few may remember Leo from his days with Citizens Arrest and Chisel. With a growing fanbase and critical acclaim to fuel their creative DeLorean, … Read more
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