Rancid’s 1990s catalog is a unique beast. It’s Clash-influenced street punk. On paper it sounds highly derivative, but its heart always shined through making it stand out in a hard to quantify way. Tim Armstrong’s songwriting is the foundation, but it’s his one-of-a-kind drawl paired with Lars Frederiksen’s vocal tradeoffs that makes it shine. It’s also why I was leery … Read more
Mooorree Than Just Another Comp is a 33-track double LP compilation from Sell The Heart Records and Lavasocks Records, covering the entire Operation Ivy catalog, with new takes from the likes of The Raging Nathans, The Chinkees, Eichlers, Flying Raccoon Suit, even We Are The Union w/ Eve 6. Very broadly speaking, the entire comp is pretty true to the … Read more
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