Pop music usually isn't something that offers much variety in terms of groundbreaking artistic expression, innovation, and, when it all comes down to it, quality. In the MTV generation of plastic creativity, few dare to venture into the realm of experimentation for fear of losing that ever-so-valuable celebrity clothing line, and dropping off the Top 40 charts. For every Björk, … Read more
The Metallica debate has been one of the most hotly contested that music has ever seen. Pro or Anti. Sellouts or one of the few bands of the people and for the people. There's an argument for both sides, to be sure, but in the end, if you're not for them, you're probably against them. If we're going to throw … Read more
Before I even begin to go in depth about Year of the Rabbit's major-label debut I want to get one thing clear. I find it unfair to make comparisons and set standards to bands based upon their involvements in previous efforts. Yet, it happens all the time, most recently with The Fire Theft and their past as Sunny Day Real … Read more
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