I picture AFI as a scale that must be kept even at all times. If you take a checker from one side, you better take one away from the other. On this album, they have gained something, but also lost something else. No more are the bouncy 'whoa-oh' charged anthems, instead they have been replaced with a bit more intelligent … Read more
AFI's newest full length. Since everyone who works on this site has been a member of the AFI community at one time or another, you'd think it'd score 10's. Seems to not be the case so far. I can't say I'll be an exception but that is not to say this record is bad at all. On the contrary actually. … Read more
"Oh my God, my God this can't be happening! AFI has signed to a major!" Is an example of a popular reaction to the announcement last year that that AFI would be releasing their sixth full-length, Sing the Sorrow, on Dreamworks records. Anybody without a huge bias towards the record before it was even released, however, will soon realize that … Read more
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