Navigating the Bronze is Akimbo's fifth full-length since their inception in about seven years ago and their first for new label Alternative Tentacles (AT did re-release an album early in '07 as well). This three-piece is a vicious outfit that has garnered a reputation for their busy touring regimen and all around hectic work ethic. At ten songs in roughly … Read more
So the early Amebix releases are finally becoming more widely available (even though they have been on the bootleg circuit for quite a long while) which is excellent because some of the bootlegs of them are pretty nigh unlistenable, and considering that these releases are some of the best material that Amebix offers, finally seeing the light of day can … Read more
This is how a 7” is supposed to work. Three quick songs and it leaves you wanting more. DFMK play punked up rock ‘n’ roll. Maybe think of Rocket From The Crypt but with denser, but somehow dancier, songs with a little more force behind them. It’s meant to be played loud as you thrash about and (if it’s your … Read more
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle dictates that nothing in this universe has a truly defined position or trajectory and by trying to define it, the momentum of the object becomes even more unstable and unpredictable. The lesser known certainty principle is this: there will never be a Dead Kennedys reunion with Jello Biafra at the helm. Ever. It's not going to happen. … Read more
Some days, I just can never get enough Unsane on my headphones, which is the method to which I listen to music while at work and might be a great explanation of why that a little Unsane is never enough as anyone with just a tinge of workplace angst might be able to empathize with me; and Wreck is one … Read more
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