SPB: What’s a record you love that would surprise people?
Spotlights: Gonna go with – Braid’s The Age of Octeen. We love this band and especially this time in their career.
SPB: What’s a record you love that would surprise people?
Spotlights: Gonna go with – Braid’s The Age of Octeen. We love this band and especially this time in their career.
Sarah Quintero (Spotlights) SPB:What’s the strangest trend you see in modern music (or in the industry)? Quintero: The strangest trend I have been noticing today in music is seeing older bands (that I grew up listening to), like Failure, Shiner, and Hum, get back together and be reviewed and/or accepted … Read more
Kalle (Jumalvauhti – bass) SPB: Who is your favorite band/artist from the 2000-2010 era? Kalle: It's hard to say, but Destiny's Child definitely can't go wrong. Read more
Black Bickel (Bronson Arm) SPB: What is your favorite stretch of highway to drive in the US? Bickel: My favorite stretch of highway is that bit between Milwaukee and Minneapolis, two cities that Bronson Arm always have a great time playing. So if we are leaving Milwaukee, we are usually … Read more
Kevin Hurley (Unstable Shapes – bass) SPB: What is your favorite Fugazi record? Hurley: While we can debate the best Fugazi record, a personal favorite of mine is The Argument. It was my entry point for the band. I was admittedly way late to the party on them and as … Read more
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