Curtiss (The Shell Corporation)
SPB: What is your favorite documentary or music-related film?
Curtiss: Ok, so total disclosure, I’ve never actually seen my favorite music documentary. Which happens to be “It Might Get Loud”. The apparently epic pairing of jimmy page, the edge and that dude from the stripey shirt band. But here’s the thing. I’ve TOLD a lot of people that I’ve seen it and that I really liked it.
Now to back up, I don’t consider myself a liar. In fact I think I’m mostly truthful. Not because I’m a good person, but because it’s just a pain in the ass to remember a lie. I have a terrible memory and I’m bound to fuck up something if it’s not true.
That said, at some point I heard a bunch of people talking about this documentary and how cool it was that the stripey guy brings in like a fender twin and the Edge brings in stacks and stacks of equipment. The dichotomy! So much had I heard about it that I kinda THOUGHT I had seen it. And me being a guitar player I really should have seen it. I always wanted to be a knowledge musician guy. But my eyes glaze over when people start talking about Ohm’s and tubes and tones and shit.
So anyways here comes Guy #1 asking me if I’ve seen it.(remember at this point I thought I had ). So I confidently said yes. It was awesome and recited back what someone else had told me about it.
Next time I was asked, I remembered I hadn’t in fact seen it. But Guy #2 knew Guy #1 so the chances of me being found out accidentally were pretty high. So fuck it. Jack Black was a total shredder in that movie. I loved it!
Guy #3 was totally random. Didn’t know #1 or #2 at all. But what the hell. I had the speech down. And onward the tale continued to more and more unsuspecting questioners. Each time I liked the movie a little bit more. “It was so great seeing jimmy Paige back in the saddle and jamming out!”
Anyways. There is no resolution to this story. Just a confession. The worst part about this whole thing is that I see the movie come up over and over on my Apple TV recommendations. All I need to do is click and I’ll never be caught in the lie. But seriously, come on. Music documentaries are kinda boring and this Battlestar Galactica ain’t going to watch itself a third time.