Toby Jeg (Red Scare Industries)
SPB: What is your favorite book or author?
Jeg: Man, these aren't supposed to be easy, huh? That's so hard for me because I take different things away from every book I read. I also try and oscillate my readings between something classic/scholarly and something hip and trashy. For example I was recently reading Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf, then I dove into Game Of Thrones.
I don't think I have a favorite book, but I think my favorite reading experience is from--GET THIS--a Dungeon's & Dragons book! It was a novel called Streams of Silver that I read when I was 14. I think I blew through the entire 300-page book in a day? It was one of those days where we got snowed-in and my father and I were stranded at home trying to stay warm and I was completely engulfed by the story. It's the second book in what became a very commercially successful series for the author, R.A. Salvatore. Yes, it's super dorky, but once you're an NYT best-seller, it's literature, riiiiight?! Anyhow, Streams of Silver is an awesome, riveting heroic tale and it's part of a trilogy that was a real game-changer for the fantasy genre. It's a little derivative of The Hobbit/LOTR, but I don't mind that a bit. Again, I'm especially fond of that book because of because the circumstances made it a memorable "reading experience," but I also stand by it as a kickass fantasy tale!
I should include that I had a similar experience 15 years later when I read Cormac McCarthy's The Road, which is a wonderful story that most people know about. Other books I've read recently that I would recommend would be In The Garden Of Beasts and The Forever War.