Peter Mielech (Modern Radio Record Label)
SPB: You re-released old STNNNG records on the Playbutton format. How did you decide to try that format?
Mielech: It's an experiment of sorts. We've always tried to stay on top of the different ways people listen to music. Although we've always stayed true to the only time-tested format in vinyl, we were one of the first in town to embrace digital retailers and adopt the idea of including a download card with the vinyl. The Playbutton we thought would not only be an interesting way to reissue those out-of-print STNNNG albums, but to also present our artist's music in a new format that appeals to a younger audience. The company that produces the Playbuttons have had a hard time ramping up to drive down costs, but we think it incorporates cool elements from multiple formats. We've always stressed the importance of strong, compelling album artwork on our releases, so the idea of a wearable button displaying that artwork, combined with the convenience of the digital/ipod style platform seems like a nice combination. So far, it appears others agree, since every time we set one out with ear phones for people to try out it gets stolen.