Alan Sparhawk, Low
SPB: What's a record you love that would surprise people?
Sparhawk: Barbara Streisand's Greatest Hits
Alan Sparhawk, Low
SPB: What's a record you love that would surprise people?
Sparhawk: Barbara Streisand's Greatest Hits
Matthew Brammer (Six Below Zero) SPB: Can you walk us through your studio or recording set-up to get a glimpse of how a one-man band works for Six Below Zero? Brammer: Since I don't play live anymore, I'm pretty much 100% "in the box" these days. Especially since a lot … Read more
Matthew Brammer (Six Below Zero) SPB: Six Below Zero is both a solo project and you live in Wyoming, so I imagine you have limited live opportunities -- that said, does the project ever play live and does that possibility affect how you approach songwriting? Brammer: Consistently playing live is, … Read more
Jared Rosenbaum (Hollow Howl) SPB: How much space in your home is dedicated to music storage (instruments or records)? Rosenblum: We live in an old farmhouse. Not a big affluent one with beautiful metal fixtures and woodwork. Just a little old house from the 1870s. So it predates the consumer … Read more
It's the most wonderful time of the year! The air is crisp and the nights are drawing in, which for many of us means an increase in horror movie watching and thinking nothing of spending our hard earned cash on new spooky furnishings. The abundance of halloween decor is tempting … Read more
Horrorpunk is for life... not just for Halloween, but lets face it, a lot of these tunes were made for Halloween party fun!! Fans of the music spend their time listening to this immensely varied genres many offerings and each will have their preferred style but just know that it … Read more
“I’m a real band!” When you write about an artist a billion times, sometimes your head goes to strange places -- leading to references that probably only make sense inside your own head. With Par For The Curse, the third album from the Todd Congelliere founded project, Clown Sounds has evolved from solo origins to a collaborative effort. The results … Read more
I find Totally Slow a hard band to categorize. Their brand of melodic, hard punk is familiar and comforting -- rooted in ‘80s hardcore, ‘90s skatepunk, and post-something guitar-driven rock. The press release namedrops Dag Nasty and Hot Snakes, among others, which I think are good starting points. But while it’s familiar, it’s absolutely not a carbon copy. Like their … Read more
Dennis: When browsing through new releases in my overflowing inbox I decided to go for Slow Crush. It is released on Church Road Records, a sympathetic new label and mentioned shoegaze, dream pop and indie rock. I may not have the deepest of knowledge on this genre, but enough to give you an honest opinion. To my surprise I was … Read more
Trevor Bebee (Mercy Ties) SPB: Any new thoughts, perspectives, or memories of this tour as you prep for a new round on the road? Bebee: Yeah, from 2013 to 2024 my perspective on playing in a touring hardcore band has changed a lot. Since being inactive for so long, I … Read more
Tommy Colliton (Curse Words) SPB: What is the most tiresome stereotype about punk rock? Colliton: I find one of the most tiresome stereotypes would be that punk has to be yelling angry, aggressive lyrics. While there’s plenty to be pissed off about and it’s rather cathartic yelling along in a … Read more
David Jarnstrom (Rad Owl) SPB: What was the inspiration in starting this band? A midlife crisis? Jarnstrom: In all seriousness, Rad Owl was a bit of a nostalgia trip at first. We were childhood friends who had grown up discovering metal and punk rock and hardcore together in the late … Read more
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