Jake (Lightweight)
SPB: You just released The Next One’s on You, the third in a series of EPs. What inspired the trilogy concept with these (and what will follow it up)?
Jake: So the answer to this question is really two fold: there’s the creative answer and the practical/promotional answer.
The creative answer is that, when we wrote these songs we noticed a particular pattern, a theme running throughout. Particularly in certain sections and songs that would pair well together. We were meticulous in crafting the mood for each EP, there is a lot of intention in the track order sequencing both through each EP and the whole piece.
The practical promotional side, we were a bit unenthused with the response to releasing a full-length record. You release it and unless it really catches on, it gets talked about for a maximum of about two months and it dies down and the fans of it love it, but it never reaches beyond that. Our idea and plan was, if we break this into 3 pieces we’re staying in the “conversation” for lack of a better term. We’re always writing and crafting our sound, and we can truly show people how active and hardworking we truly are.
As for what’s next, who knows, like I said we never stop writing and crafting what’s next in terms of our releases and sound. The thing I can say for sure is, it’s not gonna be long until you hear even more new tunes from us, that’s a promise.