Chris Rest (Lagwagon – guitar)
What model guitar do you play (and how did you choose it)?
Check out Chris' answer below:
Chris Rest (Lagwagon – guitar)
What model guitar do you play (and how did you choose it)?
Check out Chris' answer below:
One-question interviews with artists where we find out about the gear and equipment they use to achieve their sound.
— More from this seriesMatthew Brammer (Six Below Zero) SPB: Can you walk us through your studio or recording set-up to get a glimpse of how a one-man band works for Six Below Zero? Brammer: Since I don't play live anymore, I'm pretty much 100% "in the box" these days. Especially since a lot … Read more
Steve Brewer (Distants) SPB: Did you choose your name before the band members were located in different cities? Brweer: Yes. Everyone who was in the band when it started lived in Chicago. When I joined the band in 2019, Zach and I would carpool the distants from Michigan to Chicago … Read more
Chris Mason (Faulty Cognitions) SPB: Was the mic’ing of your kit for the recording of Somehow, Here We Are fairly straight forward, or were there some techniques or experiments used to capture the sound? Mason: We didn't do anything too fancy. I do remember that we didn't mic the toms … Read more
Stephen Hamm Theremin Man shows off his theremin magic. Read more
Josh Levine (Middle-Aged Queers) SPB: Tell us about the day you bought your current (primary) bass and why you chose it. Levine: I bought my current primary bass in the ‘90s at Univibe Music (RIP) in Oakland. It’s a DanElectro Longhorn, ‘90s reissue. I thought it was black. I played … Read more
Punk rock veterans, Lagwagon, had been missing from the scene for quite some time. Sure, they had a tour here and there as well as reissues of their 90s classics, but it's been years since we've heard some fresh new music from the band. They released an EP in 2008, but most of that material had previously already been featured … Read more
Closing in on twenty years as a band, Lagwagon presents us with new songs, perhaps aiming to revive that nearly defunct Fat/Epitaph sound. Having grown up on this band, I was giddy to hear they were releasing new material for the first time since 2005's Resolve, but found myself bummed after learning it was only an eight-song EP. Couple this … Read more
Paul Levesque (Let Me Downs - bass/vocals) SPB: Has the band ever been in a car/van accident while touring? Levesque: Fortunately, we haven’t! (Knock on wood) We have had our fair share of van issues. Blown tires, A/C going out in an hours-long traffic jam in the Arizona desert in … Read more
John Garwood (Coming Down – guitar) SPB: What is your favorite record store – either locally or something you’ve discovered while traveling? Garwood: Needle Drop Records in Rochester, NY. I’m a little biased considering the owner, Russ Torregiano, is a long-time friend and brother in rock. I’ve been loitering around … Read more
Ray Harkins (Bloodguilt / Taken – vocals) SPB: What are some of the coolest new developments or evolutions you see in the hardcore scene of 2025? Harkins: The coolest developments in hardcore that I have witnessed in 2024 that I predict we will see coming into 2025 as well is … Read more
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