Erin Page (Kill Hatsumomo)
SPB: Is there a specific poster that got you interested in the medium yourself?
Page: What initially led me to making posters was the DIY cut and paste flier and zine movement of the mid ‘90s music scene of Peoria, Illinois -- where I grew up. After I moved to Chicago, a poster by Kathleen Judge for Low Skies was in the window of Reckless Records and I asked to have it. That's when I decided to scrape together all the money my very broke artist self had and join a co-op.
I'm now a successful poster artist and illustrator. I've been featured in magazines, books and a documentary. I've had my work in galleries in the US and abroad and I've had the opportunity to work for many amazing bands, companies and individuals doing posters, t-shirt design, labels, logos, album art, etc. I run my own studio and I do my own work as well as publish others. I've been printing as an accredited professional for 7 years thanks to some photocopied pieces of paper I saw in high school