Ikka (Hook)
SPB: What are your favorite venues to play in Finland right now?
Ikka: I like Lepakkomies in Helsinki. That´s a cool little place with very nice atmosphere.
Ikka (Hook)
SPB: What are your favorite venues to play in Finland right now?
Ikka: I like Lepakkomies in Helsinki. That´s a cool little place with very nice atmosphere.
Shook Ones are a melodic hardcore band that formed around the Seattle area in 2004. The band has not consistently released new music together, with each member involved in other bands and side projects that also take their time. However, listening to their new record Body Feel it remains clear … Read more
Sarah Shook & the Disarmers SPB: Which venue has the best food for touring artists? Sarah Shook & the Disarmers: The Grey Eagle in Asheville, NC, those cats make dope tacos and have vegan options. Read more
Just like most bands, Shook Ones formed out of the demise of several other bands. Since then, the Bellingham, WA five-piece has been churning out an energetic mix of melodic hardcore and pop punk. Staff writer Michael recently corresponded with the band via email as they are in the midst … Read more
Shook Ones are a nostalgic band for me, they were the most active during my teenage years and I associate them with that time period. I’m sure like most of their fans, I was surprised they released a new full length given that it’s been five years since they’ve released any new music. The band never officially announced they were … Read more
The Chantey Hook have been around for a few years now, but have only released a handful of songs to the masses. Their most recent addition to the small catalog are two tracks from their new Underground 7-inch. The A-Side features the title track. The song's a great Jersey punk-rock anthem that holds its own against this year's best punk-rock … Read more
Now on their third album, Shook Ones already have a pretty solid reputation. After the melodic hardcore masterpiece that was Facetious Folly Feat, I thought it would be difficult to make another record that was as fast and energetic as that one. Well, what does the band do instead? How about make one of the catchiest records of 2009 while … Read more
Kalle (Jumalvauhti – bass) SPB: Who is your favorite band/artist from the 2000-2010 era? Kalle: It's hard to say, but Destiny's Child definitely can't go wrong. Read more
Black Bickel (Bronson Arm) SPB: What is your favorite stretch of highway to drive in the US? Bickel: My favorite stretch of highway is that bit between Milwaukee and Minneapolis, two cities that Bronson Arm always have a great time playing. So if we are leaving Milwaukee, we are usually … Read more
Kevin Hurley (Unstable Shapes – bass) SPB: What is your favorite Fugazi record? Hurley: While we can debate the best Fugazi record, a personal favorite of mine is The Argument. It was my entry point for the band. I was admittedly way late to the party on them and as … Read more
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