Tommy Colliton (Curse Words)
SPB: What is the most tiresome stereotype about punk rock?
Colliton: I find one of the most tiresome stereotypes would be that punk has to be yelling angry, aggressive lyrics. While there’s plenty to be pissed off about and it’s rather cathartic yelling along in a sweaty pit full of friends, there’s other ways to invoke the punk rock mentality into a song. It’s nice to enjoy songs that focus on the positive aspects of the unity and camaraderie in the scene. To me the “most punk” songs have always been ones that invoke a strong sense of emotion, whichever side of the spectrum that it falls upon. I will always shout “fuck the man” but sometimes it’s nice to say “I love and appreciate you” to the fellow punks united to building a better community… or maybe it’s just a fucking song about eating pizza and having a good time, because that shit’s rad too.