Loren's Top 5 Of 2022 So Far

Moonraker - The Forest
Honest, downtrodden punk at an uplifting pace. It’s singalong and fun (sounding) while bearing a ton of weight in the lyrics. Simultaneously serious and singalong.

Swami John Reis - Ride The Wild Night
Swami Records
Swami John has been riding the wild night for 30-some years at this point and it’s just as wild and energetic as ever. Rock ‘n’ roll as it’s meant to be played.

Mikey Erg - Love At Leeds
Don Giovanni Records
This one took me a few listens to really grab. It has shades of Ergs-style pop-punk, but there’s a lot more going on. After a few listens, I began to hear where the old pop-punk meets the new noise-jam for a perfect middle point.

Signals Midwest - Dent
Lauren Records
It’s a record about their wrecked van. But it’s also about way more. Accessible, thoughtful midtempo punk that manages to get all deep without getting annoying at the same time (which is a rare feat).

The Anomalys - Glitch
Slovenly Recordings
Glitch is a really good title for this. It’s loud, abrasive rock that pulls from the play book of earlier rock. And with surf elements too.
- Loren