Justin Pearson (Deaf Club / Planet B / Satanic Planet / Three One G Records)

photo by Becky DiGiglio
What are your top five albums that were released in 2024? (In order 1-5)
- Cumgirl 8 - The 8th Cumming LP
- Help - Courage EP
- Venus Twins - Stitching EP
- Paper Mice - Neurotic City EP
What band did you discover in 2024 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
I discovered Cumgirl 8 in 2024. The impact was that I found a very cool band and became friends with some of the members when they were on my podcast.
How will you remember 2024 (in terms of music)?
I honestly do not listen to a lot of music. I tend to listen to talk radio or when not listening to humans talk, I'm in the studio working on stuff, so I get music fatigue outside of that. However, the albums I listed above are all superior art, created by amazing people, and no doubtedly withstand the test of time.
What can we look forward to from you in 2025?
I cringed at the last time we had a DICKtator in office here in the US and people said, "Well, music and art will be good" as if the murky shift of parties in our two party system should make people react differently, when in reality, there is plenty to create combative, revolutionary, and thought provoking art for regardless of who's in power here in the US, the supposed pig of the world. So here we are again, and well, things are bleak in my opinion. What I'm really looking forward to is an alien invasion, not the right-winged "illegal" ones, but otherworldly ones. I'm ready for humanity to get its ass handed to itself. An arrogant backbiting species with no respect for this planet or themselves does not even deserve music and art at this juncture. We have the right, who is very much into hating downwards and the left, who divides itself by shitting on one another. In 2025 I hope dogs end up making music. I'll respect that.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2025?
Haunted Horses - Dweller, and the awesome stuff I am not aware of yet.
How do you try to get your news to fans as media platforms and algorithms change?
I typically e-fart news out on the various narcissistic platforms, which so far essentially seems to be the same from one to another. I anxiously awaiting for our attention spans to shorten to one second clips, where you have to figure out what the fuck is going on from one second to the next. Then, at least things will be constantly interesting at that juncture.
Justin Pearson – social media links
- Twitter: @pearson_justin
- Instagram: @justinpearson31g/