James Sullivan (More Kicks)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2022? (In order 1-5)
What band did you discover in 2022 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
I got pretty obsessed with Ryley Walker in 2022. I’d been circling him for a while but I think I understood it to be more pastoral folky. I guess his first record is slightly that vibe. But now, a few years down the line, it’s become this freakout mind-melting prog odyssey with great melodies and a great voice. I guess he led me into that world a little bit and I’ve been listening to Richard Dawson for the last few months for some good hearty, battered folk.
How will you remember 2022? (In terms of music)
For us (More Kicks) it was the year we got back out there. Our album Punch Drunk came out in September on Dirtnap Records and Stardumb Records and we got back on the road for a Spanish tour, German/Czech/Dutch/Austrian dates, UK dates plus we made it over to the US to do some Midwest shows. That was probably the band highlight – driving those long American roads in our tiny rental car. I think it was the year of venue saturation in terms of the million bands attempting to book the same clubs! But, yeah, for me personally, I just wanted to get this record out and off my back so it can live in the world.
What can we look forward to from you in 2023?
There are plans afoot… tours blah blah, festivals blah blah, songs blah blah. But that’s not hugely interesting for your readers to hear about at this stage. I’m thinking of taking up a new hobby but I can’t figure out what it would be. I wanted to do something more crafty – like pottery making or working with clay. I’m shit at anything like that. But then I looked up classes in London for beginners and it’s fucking expensive. I suppose it’s been hipsterised. So I’m on the look out for something – suggestions gratefully received.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2023?
I never know when things are out until they’re out – I’m useless at being aware of stuff in advance. With my insider knowledge, I’m aware of some very cool stuff happening on Dirtnap Records and Stardumb Records so it’s worth keeping your eye on those two excellent labels. More insider knowledge tells me there’s a new Autogramm record in the works…
Live shows are still a mixed bag as we adapt to social gatherings in a COVID world. What is something positive you see about touring right now? Anything you’d like to see change?
It’s positive that we’re doing it again, it’s not so positive that some people have (understandably) not quite got back into the habit of going to shows.
But I’m eternally grateful to the network of beautiful maniacs who continue to put on small-scale rock and roll shows and get bands like ours to come and play. God knows it’s not the easiest moment for small bands to avoid financial ruin, but the fact that these promoters are still plugging away makes me proud to know them and be part of that world.