Terrence Hannum (Locrian / The Holy Circle / Axebreaker)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2022? (In order 1-5)
- Robert AA Lowe - Candyman OST
- Blood Incantation - Timewave Zero
- Fontaines DC - Skinty Fia
- Soft Pink Truth - Is it Going to Get Any Deeper Than This?
- Cleared - Of Endless Light
- Neil Young with Crazy Horse - Toast
- Morellas Forest 1988 - Tales
- Surface of the Earth - s/t
- Party Day - Sorted!
- Hands To - Bio-electric - 5xCD
What band did you discover in 2022 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Older: LOWLIFE - British dreampop / post-punk - just a run of records to put on and work to. Like if a non-shitty Morrissey fronted an early Cocteau Twins.
Newer: BRUTUS - Unison Life is a killer album, just literally discovered it after Cheryl at SPB posted about it.
How will you remember 2022? (In terms of music)
There's a lot of it. And great albums are getting no coverage. Definitely a lot of albums, like the new BRUTUS, that no one covered or hyped and got lost in the shuffle. I think we're in for a lot of "when did this come out?" and missing a bunch of releases.
What can we look forward to from you in 2023?
New LOCRIAN LP - half way recorded, we finish it in February. THE HOLY CIRCLE's LP Don't Disturb My Waking Dream will start shipping in early 2023. AXEBREAKER is recording a new full-length and stopping the EPs for the year.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2023?
The new LOCRIAN. I still am so happy that we get to make music together after all of these years.
Live shows are still a mixed bag as we adapt to social gatherings in a COVID world. What is something positive you see about touring right now? Anything you’d like to see change?
I kind of don't know what to say, I am not a fan of touring as an artist - it is not something I enjoy and I don't look forward to it. I look forward to like 4 hours a day of the show but everything else is tedious. I feel like everyone wants to go back to a pre-COVID touring situation and I think that is impossible. I wish the emphasis wasn't on having to tour for an album cycle, or the pretense that it is essential. I think that is an anachronism post-COVID. I don't know, at the same time, I have seen a lot of live music this year that was awesome; New Order, Maryland Death Fest, Sunny Day Real Estate, Fulci, Big Brave, Sumac, Matmos, Beach House, Sunrot, Ugly Twin, Voivod, Cannibal Corpse, Khost, Deep Cross and so many more. But also a bunch of shows that got cancelled, rescheduled, etc. So it's weird.
Terrence Hannum – social media links
- Twitter: @Locrianofficial