Brian Medlin (Desperate Living)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2022? (In order 1-5)
My top 5 heavy releases are...
GEL - Shock Therapy
There are so many amazing young hardcore bands coming out, Gel being one of my favs. They sound so pissed, so energized. It’s infectious. It feels like why I got into hardcore and aggressive music in the first place.
Thee Oh Sees - A Foul Form
This band gives no fucks and puts out whatever they want (under whatever band name they want). It must be so fun to be in this band. It seems like they just play all the time and ride on whatever is currently inspiring them that month. Right now, it’s determined and relentless hardcore punk. So ugly and beautiful.
SPY/Maniac - Split
A one-two punch to the gut then the face. A total knockout. Play the SPY songs very loudly to the person you hate the most in the world.
Blacklisters - Leisure Centre
I'm not sure what is exactly considered noise rock, but if it's this, they are definitely one of the better bands doing today.
Model Prisoner - Compulsion Analysis
Ok, I'm being biased here because these are my buddies. But everyone who likes hardcore/grindcore should go check it out.
What band did you discover in 2022 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
I listen to lots of music besides heavy stuff. I was familiar with him before, but I dove deep into Joe Purdy. Super sad cowboy songs. His Desert Outtakes really floored me. Hit at the right time I suppose.
How will you remember 2022? (In terms of music)
This was a year where I did tons of listening but not much playing. So I'll remember it for that. Also listening to way more hip hop than usual. There's an amazing underground scene right now.
What can we look forward to from you in 2023?
Shows shows shows. We want to play shows.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2023?
I don't know. I don't pay attention until it comes across me.
Live shows are still a mixed bag as we adapt to social gatherings in a COVID world. What is something positive you see about touring right now? Anything you’d like to see change?
I'd like to see venues stop taking cuts from touring bands merch.
Brian Medlin – social media links
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