To Live A Lie Records / Tired Of Everything (Will Butler)
1. What are your top five albums that were released in 2020? (In order 1-5)
- Gulch
- Internal Rot - Grieving Birth
- Peace Test EP
- Tired Of Everything - Behind The Blade
- Dropdead LP
2. What band did you discover in 2020 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? What made them significant?
Spy - very unknown band that really blew up and pushed the label forward. Very Covid-19 hype but with all the chops to back themselves up.
3. How will you remember 2020? (In terms of music)
2020 is the year I focused solely on the label since live music doesn't exist as much.
4. What can we look forward to from you in 2021?
2020 feels like landmark year from TLAL. Will continue that momentum with a Bastard Noise/Amps For Christ split LP in 2021, a Deathtoll 80k LP, and represses for both the Coke Bust/Despise You split and the Spy record.
5. What records are you looking forward to most in 2021?
Had such a busy year I haven't even looked forward to what's ahead!
6. Trying to put a positive spin on things, what is your favorite development from the global pandemic this year? (Is there a new medium you enjoy, a specific song or collaboration, personal news, etc. that was a bright spot?)
I think there are new opportunities to consume live music via online streams which helps people in smaller towns see bands they might not see otherwise. More collaboration and unity also spawned from it.