To Live A Lie Records/Tired Of Everything (Will Butler)
1. What are your top five albums that were released in 2018? (Preferably in order 1-5)
- Blood Pressure - Surrounded
- Public Acid - Easy Weapon
- S.H.I.T. - What Do You Stand For?
- No Statik - Mysterious To Ourselves
- Waste Management - Tried And True
2. What band did you discover in 2018 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? What made them significant?
I think I'm late to the party here but like every year I discovered some non-punk, but got really into John Maus right before he toured here. It's just a nice change of pace with the same energy punk has. Looks like I'll be seeing him again in a few months. Music is great when it doesn't quite fit anywhere and I think that is what this is.
3. How will you remember 2018? (In terms of music)
2018 is the year I started singing in a band for the first time and I gained a lot of respect for singers. Having released +100 records on my label and played in many bands, I didn't realize how exhausting it is.
4. What can we look forward to from you in 2019?
There will be a long awaited Sidetracked LP finally after me bothering the band for years to put together something. I'm putting out a split between Neckbeard Deathcamp and Terminal Nation. And I started up a newish industrial project called Christ Violence which I have a demo coming out super soon that I recorded in a day so I hope to spend more effort on songs going forwards. Lots of Tired Of Everything live shows, playing with Rashamon, Ghouli, Soul Glo, and Musket Hawk in January/Feb.
5. What records are you looking forward to most in 2019?
2018 was busy, I'm hoping 2019 is focused... musically and otherwise.
6. Right now there are two primary types of digital services: subscription streaming and the bandcamp approach that's more individualized. Do you have a preference and what direction do you think future streaming/download services will move toward?
Being on the go a lot means I like paid streaming for me personally. I have an Alexa and its great to ask for songs to be played and to make playlists and shuffle them. Bandcamp is great but requires you to really have a media server together to do something similar. There is no harm as a label, musician, music lover, etc to make sure to post up songs on all digital mediums. For my personal projects I still am pro file sharing, I almost put more items up there because if you really want live audio of my bands got em! Also post them to Keep music out there and accessible.