1. What are your top five albums that were released in 2018? (Preferably in order 1-5)
KC: Wume – Towards the Shadow
KC: The Vicious Queen single by Donna Slash
KC & Farrah: Gauge Away – Brown Sugar
Josh/Donna: The only new thing I listened to this year was trans icon Kim Petras.
Kit: Bad Moves – Tell No One
2. What band did you discover in 2018 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? What made them significant?
Kit: I’ll say the Gits are a band I got into this year, to learn some of their songs for the Halloween cover show. The songs were really fun to learn and play, and it had a huge positive impact on how much time I was spending drumming, which in turn has noticeable mental health benefits for me.
F: Soul Glo. I could see that band once a week and never get bored. I first saw them at Break Free Fest in Philadelphia, and I don't think I closed my mouth or stopped moving once during their set. I have never seen an entire room move like this in my life.
KC: I was super into Control Top and Wipeout and Hexgirlfriends when I saw all of them this year. Younger freeks making different types of music are the best thing, to me.
J/D: I didn't discover any new bands, but I did finally get my passport and got to travel out of the country. I plan on doing that a lot more often as everything in the US goes to shit.
3. How will you remember 2018? (In terms of music)
F: I don't remember the last time I saw people so excited for demos and EPs to drop. Perhaps it's the desire for distraction, but 2018 felt like everyone was openly expressing their enthusiasm rather than playing it cool.
KC: I didn’t keep super close tabs on music in 2018, to be honest I was more concerned with film. See Minding the Gap if you haven’t already – definitely my pick for film of the year. Also Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat was fantastic.
J/D: Drunk, sad, and lonely. Thank you, next!
K: Well haha, full disclosure, bad moves is not only a band whose music I absolutely love, but whose members are also very dear to me. Getting to hear and witness firsthand almost the entire writing process for a lot of the songs on tell no one, and to see the incredible amount of time and energy they put into making that album was really awesome and inspiring. In 2018, bad moves has been stuck in my head constantly, and honestly in heavy rotation on my headphones and speakers.
4. What can we look forward to from you in 2019?
K: For 2019, I’m hoping we (Homosuperior) get to spend more time together than our schedules have allowed in 2018, to hopefully write some new stuff. I dunno what shows 2019 has in store for us, but I’m excited for whatever’s coming. I personally have another new band in the works that’s still probably a few months from starting to play shows, but that I’m excited about and having fun with.
F: Echoing Kit's excitement for new Homosuperior songs. More L7 covers. Starting a two person band with my brother and eliminating either guitar or bass. Who knows! I don't!
KC: Same. Writing would be tight, and I plan to jam with a drummer and good friend in Baltimore soon. Personally, I’m trying to finalize my plans to go overseas and work on a new indy doc: Calasag. Working with some amazing local Filipino cooks on this – it’s a dive into diasporic and hybrid identity, food and food politics, etc.. Stoked to get overseas and shoot.
J/D: More self-loathing synth tracks and maybe some new Homosuperior stuff.
5. What records are you looking forward to most in 2019?
F: Control Top and Truth Cult.
KC: Control Top!!! New tracks from Jail Solidarity, Hexgirlfriends… I’d love it if Rakta toured the U.S. again.
J/D: Haven’t thought that far, but I’ll try to pay more attention.
6. Right now there are two primary types of digital services: subscription streaming and the bandcamp approach that's more individualized. Do you have a preference and what direction do you think future streaming/download services will move toward?
F: I'd prefer to see more individuals support Bandcamp musicians. What do we need to do to get Cardi B on Bandcamp? The democratization of music can be seen as stupid by more mainstream artists -- having music on Spotify is more brag-worthy than other platforms, right? How do we get everyone in one place without a move that's perceived as a demotion by some? I don't have the answer, but it's something to think about moving forward.
KC: I’m a pessimist so I think everything will succumb to capitalist greed eventually. Monetization will reign supreme. If we want to maintain independent art that doesn’t siphon money away from artists, we have to keep it grassroots. Maybe demo tapes will come back in style.
J/D: Cassette tapes are huge right now. Where do people even get cassette players?