Feature / Music / Year End 2017
Pass The Mic: Artists and labels on 2017

Words: Loren • December 17, 2017

Pass The Mic: Artists and labels on 2017
Pass The Mic: Artists and labels on 2017

Teddy Spahgetty (Spaghetty Town Records)

1. What are your top five albums that were released in 2017? (In order 1-5)

  1. Wyldlife - Out On Your Block
  2. Golden Pelicans - Disciples Of Blood
  3. The Bronx - (V)
  4. Dirty Fences - Goodbye Love
  5. Los Tones - What Happened

2. What band did you discover in 2017 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? What made them significant?

RMBLR just blew me away. As a live band and the EP they released. I was excited to see they were an Atlanta band. Makes me proud of our local scene here.

3. How will you remember 2017? (In terms of music)

2017 was a killer year for rock bands. In making my top 5 I had to leave off a bunch of records I really liked. In the past, I've hard a hard time finding 5 records that I loved. This year, I had too many great records to pick from.

4. What can we look forward to from you in 2018?

Uruguay's Motosierra are finally going to have a new full length that we're putting out. Their last album Life In Hell was put out in 2007! We'll have a single from Italy's Faz Waltz and I'm sure The Sweet Things will have another release.

5. What records are you looking forward to most in 2018?

These last 2 months have been so crazy busy with the Dr. Boogie and Sweet Things releases, I'm not even sure what's coming out next year.

6. For most, 2017 will be remembered as a year of political and social conflict. How does that cultural atmosphere influence your own music or artistic life?

We all know things are kind of messed up right now. Our goal is to put out great rock records for people to get into. Doing a label, I've met so many great people from around the world. It reminds me that there are still good people out there.

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Pass The Mic: Artists and labels on 2017
Pass The Mic: Artists and labels on 2017

Pages in this feature

  1. Opening page
  2. Good Friend (Adam Carroll)
  3. Locrian (Andre Foisy)
  4. The Vomit Arsonist/DHIM/Danvers State Recordings (Andrew Grant)
  5. AWMA
  6. The Great Old Ones (Benjamin Guerry)
  7. The Hussy/Fire Heads/Cave Curse/Kind Turkey Records (Bobby Hussy)
  8. Body Stuff (Curran Reynolds)
  9. Dark/Light
  10. Sincere Engineer (Deanna Belos)
  11. del-Toros
  12. Fatso Jetson/Big Pig/Brass Eyebrow (Dino Von Lalli)
  13. Disastroid
  14. Integrity/A389 Recordings (Domenic Romeo)
  15. Monotrope (Edward Ricart)
  16. Real Numbers (Eli Hansen)
  17. Mamiffer/Mára/Barnett + Coloccia/SIGE Records (Faith Coloccia)
  18. Frank Turner
  19. Shallow Cuts/Chagrin/Fast Crowd Records (J. Wang)
  20. The Bombpops (Jen Razavi)
  21. Iron Lung Records (Jensen)
  22. The Number Twelve Looks Like You (Jesse Korman)
  23. Junior Bruce
  24. Three One G/Retox/Dead Cross/Planet B (Justin Pearson)
  25. Theologian, Annihilvs Power Electronix (Lee M. Bartow)
  26. The Copyrights (Luke)
  27. Fatso Jetson/Yawning Man (Mario Lalli)
  28. The Blind Shake/BLAHA/Shadow in the Cracks (Mike Blaha)
  29. Riverboat Gamblers/Drakulas/Ghost Knife (Mike Wiebe)
  30. Nato Coles & the Blue Diamond Band (Nato Coles)
  31. Tiger Army (Nick 13)
  32. Old Man Gloom
  33. The Hippaes (Roo Pescod)
  34. Marco Reosti/Salinas Records
  35. Slow Dancing Society
  36. Init Records (Steven Williams)
  37. Spaghetty Town Records (Teddy Spahgetty)
  38. Locrian/The Holy Circle/Axebreaker (Terence Hannum)
  39. Elway (Tim Browne)
  40. Summon the Birds (Tim Clarke)
  41. Netherlands (Timo Ellis)
  42. Red Scare Industries (Tobias Jeg)
  43. To Live A Lie Records/Oxidant (Will Butler)

Series: Year End 2017

Our annual round-up of the best music of the year 2017.


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