Vique Martin (Pirates Press Records)

Thanksgiving 2021
What are your top five albums that were released in 2021? (In order 1-5)
- The Bronx - VI
- Taylor Swift - Red (Taylor’s Version)
- Grade 2 - Graveyard Acoustic
- Spitboy - Body of Work
- Suzi Moon - Call The Shots
What band did you discover in 2021 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? What made them significant?
Taylor Swift has been my soundtrack for the last few weeks -- I’ve always thought she was pleasant…and then I watched that documentary about her last year. And now with the reissue of Red (the best break-up album ever made) I think she’s amazing. She’s nothing to do with punk, but she has lyrics about a keychain (that she also sells on her website) that says “fuck the patriarchy” -- which brings me huge amounts of joy. I’ve been a radical feminist since I was 12. Punk will never reach enough people to change the current status quo -- and that women like Taylor are using their platform to share slogans like this, hopefully encouraging conversations and change, makes me sooo stoked!
How will you remember 2021? (In terms of music)
As one with barely any shows. I’ve only been to a couple -- one I flew to Indianapolis for last month -- my all-time favourite band Chamberlain released Red Weather last November and I finally got to see those songs live. And then I’ve seen Sweat a couple of times.
So it’s been a lot of staying home, and a lot of listening to music really, really loudly. Last year it seemed like there had to be no shows. This year shows started late summer, but it felt like I had to want it more than I didn’t want covid to be able to face braving venues. I’m hoping to go to see Off With Their Heads this weekend. I’ll brave anything to see them!
What can we look forward to from you in 2022?
I’m soooo excited for our release schedule in 2022.
Starting with announcing the new Sweat LP in December! That should be out in Feb! And a new Suzi Moon EP that we’re really stoked on. And then starting in March a whole slew of other releases start coming down the pipeline that should be amazing, including a new full-length by The Slackers!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2022?
I’m personally excited about the Chamberlain - Fates Got a Driver: Re-Ignition -- a collection of the songs from Fates Got A Driver performed by others. It’ll be a great tribute to one of my all-time favourite records. And then I’m positively dying for a new Barstool Preachers album, which will hopefully be out at the end of summer. And really, really, really want to see them play live again -- it’s been tooo long!
What went through your head the first time you played live in 2021 after the delay? (If you haven’t -- what do you anticipate when you hit that point?)
This one doesn’t really apply to me!
Vique Martin – social media links
- Twitter: @viquesimba
- Instagram: @viquesimba