Twenty years is a long time – much longer than many relationships last. So it’s an accomplishment when a band can stick together through life and social changes.
DeeCracks, a poppy punk band from Austria, threw a two-day festival last year and released a 28-track retrospective to mark their anniversary in late 2023 (20 Years: A Frantic Effort, Pirates Press).
But we wanted more, so we asked the band to share some insight about songs that are core to the band after all these years. We wanted to know about the songs that make every set list, but also some of the inspirational tunes that continue to shape the band today.

It might seem to be easy to pick 10 songs (5 DeeCracks and 5 by other artists) that mean something to me/us, one may guess, but looking back on 20 years with the band, and a life heavily influenced by music as well, makes this quite a challenge.
Those familiar with DeeCracks probably know where we are coming from so maybe some songs won't surprise you. Anyway, I tried my best to make this list as interesting and maybe even as revealing as possible so here we go, in no particular order.
“Beach 90” (DeeCracks)
This is one of the earliest DeeCracks songs and has been included in our set ever since then. It's a love letter to New York. I wrote it there. It's one of those songs that pretty much write itself. It was never changed or worked on. The first version was the final one.
“I Wanted It All” (DeeCracks)
The opening track of our 2010 album, Attention! Deficit Disorder Is a must at every gig. I can't imagine excluding it from our set.
“Don’t Rely On Me” (DeeCracks)
This one, among many others on Beyond Medication, is a little darker. I realized writing lyrics can sometimes be very helpful in processing events in your life, good or bad -- some sort of therapy if you will. I like love songs that have a sad or bittersweet twist. This is our attempt to deliver such… In my humble opinion I think it turned out cool.
“Kill Or Cure” (DeeCracks)
I chose this one ‘cause it kinda represents what we were trying to do on our Serious Issues album. “K.O.C.” is straight-forward, old school punk rock and that was the idea behind the record. Kinda like back to the roots, you know?
“Don’t Turn Your Heart Off” (DeeCracks)
Another one off Serious Issues, which was released in 2021 on Pirates Press Records. The message is clear on this track. Initially I wrote it for myself as some sort of motivation to not lose my passion or give in. Of course it gives me a good feeling when people can identify themselves with the song now.
“Rockaway Beach” (Ramones)
Ramones is one of our biggest influences. Picking one fav song by them is not possible for me. I chose this one ‘cause it is also the opener on It's Alive! and this record had a huge impact on us. The energy of the Ramones’ shows was incredible and that's something we are trying to carry on with our shows as well. After seeing them live I knew that that's the way a punk rock show should be.
“Every Night” (Screeching Weasel)
There's no doubt that, without this band, ours wouldn't exist. Again picking a favorite tune is pretty difficult here. I took a lot of inspiration in Weasel's lyrical approach. This song stands out for me somehow. I can identify with it and I know many others can too.
“Be My Baby” (The Ronettes)
The ‘60s have been the most creative decade in the history of rock ‘n’ roll for sure. Seems like the crapiest little garage band from then is better than everything that comes out today. The Spector wall of sound and the girl groups of the early ‘60s are our biggest influence when it comes to writing “poppier” songs. Again, the bittersweet touch of this song stands out and makes it an absolute masterpiece of pop.
“Do Anything You Wanna Do” (Eddie and the Hot Rods)
I don't know if there is another song that describes the ideology of punk as well as this one. Actually everybody, punk or not, should have the right living their life according to their own rules. Just live the way they wanna live . We also recorded this song in 2017 for our album Sonic Delusions (also Pirates Press Records) and it's the last song in our set for over 10 years now.
“Depression” (Black Flag)
Besides the musical influence of Black Flag, there is another aspect about them which is essential to us: They, among others at the time, created the blueprint for today's independent DIY music scene. Do your thing regardless of what people say, regardless of any lack of support by the “important” people in the business. That's our world and that's where we belong.