Fest 22

Feature / Music / Fest 22
Fest 22: Artist Interviews

Words: Loren • October 22, 2024

Fest 22: Artist Interviews
Fest 22: Artist Interviews

The Raging Nathans

Photo: Loren Green

The Raging Nathans seem to put about an album almost every year of late. We caught up with the busy band to talk about what projects they are working on, how many of those projects are also playing at FEST 22, and everything correlates.

Scene Point Blank: First, how many times have you played The Fest? How many times have you personally attended (if that # is different)?

Josh Goldman: I'm not positive. I think that this will be the 9th time in 11 years. I have only been because I am playing but Patrick, our drummer, had attended previously.

Scene Point Blank: How many bands are you playing in at FEST 22?

Josh Goldman:
Josh – 2: Raging Nathans & The Dopamines
Patrick – 2: Raging Nathans & Houseghost
Christian – 2: Raging Nathans & Yardboss
Nick – 2: Raging Nathans & Houseghost

Scene Point Blank: There are a million festivals these days. What makes The Fest stand out?

Josh Goldman: This one lets us play every year. Ha, just kidding! Fest is great. It's kind of the best of the best in terms of bands you love and bands you can discover. Plus it's in Florida in October right when the rest of the country is getting cold.

Scene Point Blank: Last time I saw you play was at Boca Fiesta at FEST 20. What are your memories about playing that venue on that day?

Josh Goldman: Everything kind of blurs together but I do remember having a good time and I remember we played pretty well and I was pleasantly surprised with how handsome I looked in the pictures.

Scene Point Blank: Who is a band you discovered at Fest without hearing them previously? Any more context to the story?

Josh Goldman: Horsewhip. Dudes from Reversal of Man and combatwoundedveteran. I was hanging out with my friend Brad Perry and he was just like, "Where are you going right now? You're coming to see this ripping band, right now." And it was totally rad.

Scene Point Blank: Share a random memory from Fest, be it seeing a favorite band, running across an old friend, or just some weird thing you saw in the crowd.

Josh Goldman: One of the first shows I ever played with The Dopamines was at Fest. They brought me out at the end of the set and introduced me as their new guitar player. I think it was at The Florida Theatre? Like I said: its all a blur, I can't even remember the year.

Scene Point Blank: You're a very busy band, with a lot of records in the last decade or so. How do you build a setlist? Is it based on mood, what's new, or something else?

Josh Goldman: Honestly, when we are trying to figure it out. We always have a list of songs we want to play but it gets narrowed down pretty quickly. It all has to do with how it comes together at practice. If we nail it, we use it. If not, we set it aside and maybe try it again some other time.

“You're coming to see this ripping band, right now."

Scene Point Blank: Building off your busy release schedule -- the world is changing, as is media. Singles seem more prominent, yet forgettable in a way. Do you consider yourself an "album band"? What medium speaks to you and why do you like it?

Josh Goldman: I prefer to listen to albums and I think that you're right, things have changed rapidly in terms of how people listen to music. We are kind of conditioned to writing an album instead of recording one song at a time. But then again, we've always been a 7" band. Most of our best songs, in my opinion, are on 7"s. So technically we have recorded just a few songs at a time, a lot of the time. I'd say we were a 7" band and it's kind of moving in the direction of being an album band.

Scene Point Blank: Josh is very active, also playing with Queers and running Rad Girlfriend. How do you balance time? What other projects are the other members involved with?

Josh Goldman: I haven't really played with the Queers in some time. I think 2018 was the last show I played with them. But I had been involved pretty heavily with The Slow Death for many years, as well as the Dopamines and filling in for various bands throughout the years. Christian has a few other bands he plays with around Dayton including Nightbeast, Dope Opera and Yardboss, who are actually playing FEST this year. Nick plays in Houseghost and Patrick plays in another thrash band called Casteless.

Scene Point Blank: What's the biggest misconception people have of Dayton, Ohio?

Josh Goldman: That's a good question. I dunno! Maybe that it sucks or something? I like Dayton. It's just grimy enough. I don't pay too much attention to what people say about Dayton. It''s just like anywhere else. But it's mine.

Scene Point Blank: What's coming this fall from the Raging Nathans?

Josh Goldman: We have a new LP coming out on Rad Girlfriend. We recorded it a few months ago with Matt Drastic from Less Than Jake. He's our guy. Should be coming soon!!

Scene Point Blank: I recently saw the 15th anniversary show from The Slow Death, which featured...I dunno, like 20 former members. Where were you?

Josh Goldman: I was on tour with The Dopamines. We had a run with The Smoking Popes. I would've loved to have made it. Shit, I think I must be up there for playing some of the most shows with them. I played bass in that band for over a decade!

Scene Point Blank: Are you touring to Fest or on the way home?

Josh Goldman: Yes, we are touring down to Fest in two legs, one leg with SACK and the other leg with The Dopamines.

Scene Point Blank: Anything you'd like to add?

Josh Goldman: Come see us at FEST 22 at Boca Fiesta on Friday and we are also playing an Osker cover set on Sunday!

Now, a rapid fire Fest-focused Q&A:

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Loren • October 22, 2024

Fest 22: Artist Interviews
Fest 22: Artist Interviews

Pages in this feature

  1. Opening page
  2. J. Robbins
  3. Omnigone
  4. The Raging Nathans
  5. Houseghost
  6. American Television
  7. The Dreaded Laramie
  8. Virginity
  9. Teens in Trouble
  10. The Penske File

Series: Fest 22

Our coverage of the 22nd edition of the FEST.

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