Vince Conriquez, vocals
Are you guys excited to be playing the A389 Showcase this year?We are beyond stoked to be playing this year’s showcase. With such an insane line-up and it now being Pulling Teeth's last show, I am sure this will be an experience not to be forgotten for all of us.
Your new album, Spiritual Treatment, was released via A389 earlier this year. How do you think it compares to your older material?
We have definitely gotten weirder and more experimental. There is a very obvious change in style between Spiritual Treatment and our earlier material, which I believe stems from experimentation with drugs, sounds, and essentially not giving a fuck. With this record, I strongly believe that we came into our sound based on the endless list of our musical influences, and really not holding back on any ideas. With the new material we have been writing there are absolutely no boundaries. You can expect something different within each release.
Do you enjoy working with Dom and A389?
Working with Dom and his label has been incredible. He has such a good ear for good music, which isn't limited to just heavy stuff. Take one of A389's most recent additions to their roster, Anne. They are an incredible shoegaze band out of Portland that are now labelmates with bands like Integrity and Gehenna.
It rules being on a label run by a dude that has an open-minded view and obvious love for good music and is willing to broaden his label’s roster with diverse bands. We have a split with our friends from Oakland, Twin Steps, that is going to be released next year that will more than likely take you for a spin. For a band like us, A389 is a perfect home.
As far as the showcase goes, what bands are you most excited to see?
Literally, I'm stoked on every band playing this year: Eyehategod, Gehenna, and Integrity, bands that we grew up listening to, are bands that I never thought I would be able to see in one night, let alone play a show with. Young and In The Way is a band that I am really excited to see live. Pulling Teeth is a band I have been a fan of from the start, so being a part of their final show is going to be an honor as well.
What can we expect from your set this year?
We are a band you should never expect anything from.
Photography: Dustin Rhodes, www.californiaviolence.com